Mindfulness for Cancer - Free Wellbeing Courses

Reaching the end of cancer treatment can feel isolating. The National Centre for Integrative Medicine has created a free wellbeing course for people living with cancer and/or their carers.

The courses are designed to enable those struggling with a cancer diagnosis to connect with others while learning skills to reconnect with life.

These courses will help you to:

  • Be more fully aware in the present moment, rather than being caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past

  • Recognise your own unique pattern of stress and anxiety

  • Develop ways of ‘being with’ difficult or challenging internal experiences with greater calm, kindliness and equanimity, rather than avoiding or denying these experiences in a way that increases suffering

  • Develop coping skills to manage the challenges that you may face following a cancer diagnosis (or diagnosis of a loved one)The courses are a mixture of in-person and online.

All details with relevant dates are on the flyers below.

To book, call 0117 370 1875 or email enquiries@ncim.org.uk

In-person all day retreat with tutor Rossalyn Chissick

Online (Zoom) with tutor Chris Barker

Anndeloris Chacon